starting at 12:01
so we started with taras presents which was
presents AFTER PRESENTS! |
she got a robe and shoes from aunty chowbear and uncle sam
a tutu from esturd aiyi (aiyi-means aunty in chinese) |
also from esturd aiyi |
my sist esturd
a cute dress from matthew and aunty lucy |
super cute
hello kitty presents from uncle ben |
girly diva set from the wang family
super cute! now she can be just like mommy!
taras new tote! |
MORE presents from the wang family!! they must really love Tara
Clothes from taras PoPo( popo-mom side grandma in chinese)
more hello kitty clothes from her popo
and more presents
more hello kitty!!!
esturd finally got her food processor! from sam and chowbear
you better make me pesto
what did i get?!
a wusthof classic cleaver! i put this on my xmas wishlist that i sent out (yes im lame i send out
a xmas wishlist to my fambam) but i set it a lil high this year and i didnt think anyone
would actually buy this for me!! but they did!!! thanks sam and chowbear!!!
my dad with his nice ipad case
and of course more presents for the lil diva
more CLOTHES! i love xmas! i never have to buy clothes for her
and then MORE for lil tarabee
and esturd got a shell gas card! LUCKY
yeah buddy!!!
face cream for me!
face set for chowbears
hmmm...wonder what it is??
YESS!!!!! A PANINI MAKER!!!! im such a mom i know.....
and MORE for tarabee! um...aiyis face is awkwardly positioned in the pic....
and to chowbear from esther a cardigan and scarf
all our gifts!
so actual xmas morning fotd
at church
xmas night FOTN
me and esturd
our xmas dinner
JUST taras gifts~!