Friday, December 30, 2011

decisions made

So i am freaking sick of my light brown highlights in my front.

reasons why:
1. It looks like sh*t!!
2. i have to keep retouching it every 2 weeks! SH*T!!
3. the bleach burned off some of my hair so i have these freaking frizzles in the front it looks like crazy baby hair.
4. i HATE it. I have NOOO idea what i was thinking when i decided to highlight it... it was 2am and i was sick of my hair and felt like i needed a change.

so this is my attempt to dye it back to black, which DID turn out great, it looked like i never tried to highlight it in the first place.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


So for xmas i got a panini maker <3333 here it is in action!


New recipe that i've obtained from a Hui this year. I LOVE LOVE LOVEEE this recipe because its quick, fast and yummy!!!

-1 tbs japanese dashi 
-1/2 cup soy sauce
- 1 whole onione
-4 eggs
-1 pkg of chicken thighs

1. boil 1 1/2 cups water. add dashi and soysauce.
2. slice the onions add to broth, cut up chicken thighs into bite size peices. boil onions for 10 minutes, then add chickn.
3. in seperate small bowl whisk up the 4 eggs.
5. after chicken is fully cooked, gently pour in eggs on top, cover with lid and boil on medium low for 1 minute. then turn off the flame and let the eggs steam for 6 to 7 minutes. then open, and serve on top of rice!!!

a lil sriracha sauce on the side please??

Thanks to Eunice for the recipe <3

one night extravaganze SHORT post

so my friend Jody got a crazy great deal and was able to get 6 rooms at the radisson hotel so she gave em to us to enjoy! so this is a really short post because i forgot to get all details and crap. but thus here so far

our suites had their own living rooms and lil dining room area

introducing Aaron and Jody. Destined to get married i hope.  Help me ask the
Lord to have them get married, i wanna be a bridesmaid hehehe

the radisson suite hotel beds. They're sleep number beds!! we were looking around
the bed because there was a hose sticking out of it, then we realized that they were
sleep number beds... which im not too much of a fan... it just inflates and/or deflates with  air
which actually made my back ache the next morning because. so imagine sleeping on a air mattress.
But the pillows were SUPER cozy!!! i wanted to take them home but controlled myself.

from left to right: Christie, Yuki, Jody and ME!

we waited around a bit and then got super hungry and ended up at:

85 degrees! best bakery EVER!!! they have a LARGE variety of baked goods from exotic to normal like
from squid ink bread to cheese bread, and they are all freaking awesome.

After that we were still hungry so we headed to eat korean bbq which i was so occupied with eating that i didnt get a chance to document but it was DELISH!!!

After we were done eating, we just came back and played cards and showered cause we all reeked of meat

Monday, December 26, 2011

Xmas DAY! pic heavy

starting at 12:01
so we started with taras presents which was 


she got a robe and shoes from aunty chowbear and uncle sam

a tutu from esturd aiyi (aiyi-means aunty in chinese)

also from esturd aiyi

my sist esturd

a cute dress from matthew and aunty lucy

super cute

hello kitty presents from uncle ben 

girly diva set from the wang family

super cute! now she can be just like mommy!

taras new tote!

MORE presents from the wang family!! they must really love Tara

Clothes from taras PoPo( popo-mom side grandma in chinese)

more hello kitty clothes from her popo 

and more presents

more hello kitty!!!

esturd finally got her food processor! from sam and chowbear
you better make me pesto

what did i get?!
a wusthof classic cleaver! i put this on my xmas wishlist that i sent out (yes im lame i send out
a xmas wishlist to my fambam) but i set it a lil high this year and i didnt think anyone
would actually buy this for me!! but they did!!! thanks sam and chowbear!!!

my dad with his nice ipad case

and of course more presents for the lil diva

more CLOTHES! i love xmas! i never have to buy clothes for her

and then MORE for lil tarabee

and esturd got a shell  gas card! LUCKY

yeah buddy!!!

face cream for me!

face set for chowbears

hmmm...wonder what it is??

YESS!!!!! A PANINI MAKER!!!! im such a mom i know.....

and MORE for tarabee! um...aiyis face is awkwardly positioned in the pic....


and to chowbear from esther a cardigan and scarf

all our gifts!

so actual xmas morning fotd

at church

xmas night FOTN
me and esturd

our xmas dinner

JUST taras gifts~!