Wednesday, October 24, 2012

divide and conquer

you need to seperate yourself from the negativity that lingers in your life.

If you choose to let it linger it has a chance to come into your life and completely take over. Only you yourself can distinguish whats good for you and what is not. It can even get so serious as to cutting out some of your really good friends that are actually in reality bad influences on you (speaking from personal experience). Sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and handle it. Because only you know whats best for yourself.

There are everyday things that happen to us that can affect the way we talk, live, and even love.
Like for example the other day while i was driving someone cut me off while i was driving and then for mad at ME! They started honking (while they were in front of me) and try to spit at my car twice!! (unclassY~!)
Even though that was brief, and immature it affected the rest of my night. I was in a sour mood the whole night.
Or even a friend not following through with their word makes you look at them differently.

Its so difficult, but the main thing to always remember and try to drill into ourselves is to not let it get to us and affect us, or else it will consume you. Instead, ask God to BLESS them because they are probably miserable with their own lives. When people are miserable and unhappy with their own lives it ALWAYS shows in their actions and words. So thats how you know, just humble yourself and ask God to take control of the situation. Ask God to cleanse the negativity out of your soul and to not let anything that is leeched onto them to come onto you. Ask "with the blood of Jesus i REPENT whatever whatever"

For some reason when i ask God to take over and handle things i feel so much more at ease and less stressed. Its the little things that count in life. God even cares about the miniscules of situations. I am so blessed and greatful to have God in my heart.

In this time of growth for this year i know that I need to seperate those things that are bad for me and learn to cut them loose from my life and to learn to just really "let go". It definitly is a hard life lesson but i guess its better to learn it sooner than later right? With those things out of the way I can really let myself open up to Jesus and listen to his heart and words.

So say good riddance to all things negative in your life. divide and CONQUER!

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